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يرى المصابون بعسر القراءة الحروف متحركة أو في موضع خطأ، كما يمكن أن يختلط عليهم الأمر في اتجاه الكتابة بين اليمين واليسار. تعرّف في هذا المقال على السبب المحتمل الذي توصل إليه عالمان فرنسيان.

Google services

Google services: Web Web Search Search billions of web pages Google Chrome A browser built for speed, simplicity and security Bookmarks Access your bookmarks and starred items Business G Suite Get email, docs, storage and more, customized for your business AdSense Create online revenue today AdMob Make money from your apps Media Books Search the full text… more

5 Steps to Start your Career in Social Media

By:Mabdullahkhan In:Social Media & Marketing Are you a social media addict, you think it’s the best you can do, have a wish to start career in this profession. Not to worry then! It’s not that difficult, how those so-called marketing GURUS could make you feel. If you can write well and think well then you can join the RACE…. more

Google Mobile First Indexing Update

Google has teased on the 13th October a new change to how they will be crawling the web, with their new Mobile-first Indexing update. They have now officially announced the change. Currently, Google indexes the desktop version of the webpage, but serves a mobile version for those searching on a mobile device. In the future, Google will reverse… more
