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Content Writer vs Copywriter: What’s the Difference?

A Content Writer and a Copywriter is the same thing, right? They both write words used in online and offline content, so surely they’re just fancy names for what is essentially a writer?

In actual fact, they’re very different. They both act as a cornerstone for the other; think of them as two different sides of the same coin, as although there are similarities in the two skill sets, there are also some clear differences, too.

From a traditional marketing perspective, the answer is pretty simple. Let’s explore…

What is a Content Writer?

Put simply, they write content. Although there must be more to them than that, surely? Well, yes, Content Writers create a range of different content types using written word; usually long-form, rich-content that is search engine optimised.

When a Content Writer creates a piece of content they are most likely considering the use of keywords, Meta, and how shares and links to the piece will amplify the content. A Content Writer can also be known to create ‘evergreen content’; articles, blog posts, newspaper pieces, magazine features, whitepapers and any other types of long-form, content.

Content Writers are quite journalistic in nature, with editorial copy tightly in their remit, generally writing pieces of content with longer word counts and intricate details – these authoritative pieces perform better when being shared online too.

And how, you might be wondering, is that any different from a Copywriter?

What is a Copywriter?

A Copywriter is of a similar vein in that they also write copy. However, Copywriters are usually used as advertising vehicles, typically specialising in short-form copy, such as straplines, headlines or press ads.

Now that’s not to say that Copywriters shouldn’t have long-form copy in their arsenal. In fact, what we’re seeing is a transition of Copywriters to web writers in marketing, such as display advertising, creating an even stronger online presence. Over time, these will naturally migrate to Content Writers.

Copywriters are praised for the creation and ideation of words in campaigns, where the marketing material is used to persuade a person or a group to think or act a particular way. This is generally achieved in short-form copy or storytelling, evoking emotion and a personal connection with the audience; it also lends itself to a humorous or jovial tone – perfect for straplines or headers. In fact, for a Copywriter, brevity is vital.

That being said, there is a cross over in remits.

How Do Content Writers and Copywriters Work?

Arguably, they’re two of the same and in no uncertain terms is one easier than the other as a profession. However there are definitely differences that seem to be overlooked and these can come in handy if you’re looking to hire a writer for specific work.

These days, it’s crucial to be well versed in both.

Further differences between the two lie with the submittal deadlines. Although this isn’t always definitive, Content Writers appear to have longer lead-times than Copywriters. Their work is a result of well-planned content with the help of road maps, timelines, content calendars and the like. Whereas a Copywriter can be called on at the last minute to provide copy. Whilst being agile and reactive should be in both skill sets, Copywriters are less likely to plan in their workload as concisely as a Content Writer.

Saying this, Content Writers should not remove working to tight deadlines from their skill set either and Copywriters won’t always have the luxury of a working extension.

Going forward, Content Writers and Copywriters must work arm in arm to build traffic, create relationships with customers and consumers and ultimately build the brand. So although they have slightly different responsibilities, it’s paramount to include them both when building websites. However, as Copywriters grow to combine strategic writing with great content, they may just have the best of both worlds. As the term Content Writer is still in its infancy, perhaps we’ll continue to see a cross over as it evolves.

What Do You Think?

What are your thoughts? Do you agree with how the terms have been split? Are you a writer and feel that it’s more about perspective, or do you think they are much of the same and a Content Writer is just marketing jargon – probably at some point thought up by a Copywriter?

Source: www.koozai. com/



Every Badass Babes session this is one of the most important things we cover and subsequently, one of the most panic-inducing. My guess is that many of you are spreading yourself too thin and by giving a handful of topics the axe you’ll not only be less stressed, but make your readers much happier and more engaged.

So, here are 7 signs you need to narrow the number of topics you’re covering…


When I write about circus, blog/business readers may be entertained, but when I write about blogging or business, people who come here for aerial tips are likely uninterested. And since my business is based around people hiring me or buying products related to blogging and business, you already know what topics got the axe. I try to share a little about what I’m doing circus-wise in my Sunday link post and still share videos on Instagram, but I now know that almost all of my posts will be enjoyed by almost all of my readers.


When I narrowed my focus to be blogging, business, badass life it made it 100% easier to decide what to write about each week. I was ruthless and if it didn’t fit into those categories, it didn’t fit on my blog. Now, I post three times a week and try to hit one category per post. This is so much easier than star at a list of 75 topics trying to decide which to hit and what to write about.


You write on a regular basis, but some days you get 1000 hits and some days it’s in the low hundreds. What gives?? I’m guessing your posts are all about the same level of awesome, which means your readers are super into some topics and don’t care much about the others.


Everything you cover should be connected under one umbrella. Mine is growing your online presence and everything I write contributes to that. Badass Babe Chrystina was writing about throwing parties and handmade cards which seemed like they could be separated into two blogs, but she discovered her real passion was connecting with the people in her life, which means both topics can work together.



Today you want to be Crafty Cara with a bright glittery design and tomorrow Cara’s Campers with earth tones sounds way better. If you’re thinking about switching your blog name or have a tendency to change your design every other month, you might want to consider narrow your focus or splitting your site in two.


The strongest social media accounts have one central focus.I love when a tweet or photo pops-up and I know who it’s from immediately. People follow me on Twitter for blogging, business, productivity advice. If I was also sharing recipes, DIY projects, travel stories, I guarantee my account would grow at a much slower pace and I’d lose followers who aren’t interested in all of that. You can and should add in a few personal tweets or photos, so you appear human, but posting about everything will only make you blend in.


If you’re always changing gears, crafting one day, baking the next, and then writing design tutorials, I can imagine you wouldn’t have time for much else. Having a smaller focus makes it easier to create a content calendar and produce less content because all your readers are devouring every single post instead of just the ones from the category they like.


I would aim for five items or less that all connect in some way. You’ll have a little variety, but most of your readers should enjoy most of your content. If you have multiple topics you’re mega passionate about, consider branding your site under your name, then YOU are the connection. Splitting your blog in two is also an option, but SEO-wise pointing all the traffic to one website works better.


  • Reader survey – let them tell you what they like best
  • What categories get the most traffic / comments / social media shares
  • Can you write a list of 52 post titles for each topic?
  • Check Pinterest, which boards get the most love and which are being ignored?

the article source:www. xosarah. com

Do you know the Difference Between Book and e-Book?

What is a book? A book is a physical book that has the text, images, etc., printed on paper. The pages are bound together and the book has either a hard cover, or soft cover (paperback).


What is an eBook? An e-book is a digital or electronic book that is formatted into a file that can be read on a reader device or app.


Many of the conventions of a print book are used in an e-book – for example: cover, title page, copyright page, table of content, chapters, paragraphs, etc.


So…if these are the similarities, what are the differences?


The single most important difference is that print books have static layouts that once printed do not change, whereas eBook have dynamic layouts. This is because most eBook are formatted with re-flowable text.


What is re-flowable text?
It is “the ability to automatically wrap words in a document to the next line as the user changes the window size and thereby relocates the right margin of the page” (ref: If you want to see this in action, open your book in Microsoft Word and go to Menu View > Web Layout. You will see that there aren’t “pages”, per se. Now resize your screen smaller, then larger. You will see the text “wrap” to adjust to the size of the screen.


Because the e-book text “flows” to adjusts to the size of the screen, ebooks do not have pages as in a print book. Since they do not have pages, they do not have page numbers. As they do not have page numbers, one cannot use page numbers as a means of navigating and referencing in a table of contents or index. Instead, one has a table of contents that is hyperlinked to the individual chapters and/or sections of the book. Instead of an index, the reader will use the ereader’s search function to search for specific words or topics.


As ebooks do not have pages, there are a few other things found in ebooks are different in print books. There aren’t headers or footers in an ebook. Footnotes become “end notes”. Also, to ensure the predictability of placement, images must be in line with the text and centered. Most eReaders at this time do not accept charts, tables and columns, so these must be converted into an image first.


In an e-book, the reader can set the font type and size, as well as the sentence spacing so long as the font has not been embedded during formatting.


Readers also have the use of the ereader’s search function to navigate throughout the book.


The following are not used for formatting eBooks:




paragraph returns



text boxes

colored font (colored font can make it very difficult to read on some eReading devices that don’t support colour)

This explanation of some of the similarities and difference between print books and eBook with reflowable text should help you understand the transition from one to the other.





The following is a quote from the Smash word Style Guide:


How EBook Formatting is Different from Print Formatting


Ebooks are different from print books, so do not attempt to make your ebook look like an exact facsimile of print book, otherwise you’ll only frustrate yourself by creating a poorly formatted, unreadable ebook.


With print, you control the layout. The words appear on the printed page exactly where you want them to appear.


With eBook, there is no “page.” By giving up the control of the printed page, you and your readers gain much more in return.


Page numbers are irrelevant. Your book will look different on every e-reading device. Your text will shape shift and reflow. Most e-reading devices and e-reading applications allow your reader to customize the fonts, font sizes and line spacing. Your customers will modify how your book looks on-screen to suit their personal reading preference and environment.

By transforming your books into digital form, you open up exciting possibilities for how readers can enjoy them.


At Smash words, our motto is “your book, your way,” and this means a reader should be able to consume your book however works best for them, even if that means they like to read 18 point Helvetica with blue fonts, lime background colour, and triple spaced lines. Many e-reading devices and e-reading apps support some or all of these strange different tastes.


In order for us to prepare your words to be stirred up and reconstituted in this digital soup, it’s important your Smash words source file is formatted to liberate the words in digital form.


The book’s formatting will be and must be different from its paper-based formatting and layout (for some works like poetry, the formatting is integral to the reading experience, and we can work with that too).


Most readers want your words, not your fancy page layout or exotic type styles. This is especially important for your e-book customers, because you want your work to display well on as many digital reading devices as possible so the reader can have their book their way. Some of your buyers may want to read on the Amazon Kindle, others may prefer to read on the iPhone or Sony Reader, or even read on multiple devices. Others may want to just read it on screen using one of the several e-reading applications, such as Adobe Digital Editions or FBReader.”

Source: www.ebooklaunch. com

Content Is King In 2016: The Year Evergreen Content Will Explode!

As we enter 2016, look for evergreen content to grow in prominence.

Once utilized by large brands with deep pockets, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the future of content marketing lies in the ability to create rich, immersive, and engaging content that lasts. If your content schedule for this calendar year only contains on-site blog posts and the occasional syndicated article, then you’re missing out on a major opportunity to expand your reach and grow your brand.

From beginner guides to infographics, evergreen content needs to be a focus.

5 Types of Evergreen Content…

As you can guess, the term evergreen content gets its name from evergreen trees, such as pine trees and fir trees. These trees, which are often used to decorate the home around the Christmas season, serve as a symbol of perpetual life. They retain their leaves throughout the season, as opposed to shedding. Well, much like the trees, evergreen content is sustainable and long-lasting.

Whereas traditional forms of content, such as news articles, statistical reports, and pop culture pieces, are date-oriented, evergreen content has no expiration date. In most cases, an evergreen resource is made to provide value for years to come.

But what exactly does evergreen content look like? As a marketer or business owner, you’ll want to pay attention to the following five formats, which are widely used across many industries.

1. Beginner Guides

One of the most popular types of evergreen content is the “beginner guide.” This is an in-depth resource that familiarizes the reader with a new concept or idea. Beginner guides can provide immediate and lasting value – and are regularly shared amongst social media users. This Penny Stocking 101 guide is the perfect example of an evergreen beginner guide that will provide value for years to come.

2. How-to Resources

Very similar to beginner guides, “how-to resources” are a little more advanced and targeted. Whereas a beginner guide may introduce someone to a broad concept, how-to resources provide very specific advice for a tangible problem or need. This resource, which tells readers how to use the Google Analytics URL builder to track campaigns, is a great example.

3. Infographics

Whether you realize it or not, some infographics are considered evergreen content. The difference between a standard infographic and an evergreen infographic lies in the content. If you’re using data and statistics that are only relevant for a few months, then it’s a standard infographic. However, if you’re referencing thoughts, ideas, and trends that are always true, then the infographic is evergreen. This coffee infographic is an example of the latter.

4. Annual Posts

One of the most popular types of evergreen content, especially around this time of the year, is annual posts. These typically come in December or January – wrapping up a year or predicting trends for a new one – but can theoretically be published whenever. Here’s a prime example of an annual post that’s also considered evergreen in nature.

5. Interviews

Finally, interviews can be considered evergreen content. This is especially true when the interview is discussing a basic concept or idea, as opposed to a recent issue or newsworthy topic. Interviews can be published in written, audio, or video form. This iBlog Magazine interview with Scott Jangro, founder of Shareist, is the perfect example of valuable evergreen content.

There are obviously plenty of other types of evergreen content, but these are the five most commonly used formats in the content marketing industry today. Start with these types and then feel free to get creative and try some new strategies.

The Value of Evergreen Content…

It’s challenging to put your finger on the exact value of evergreen content. As the name suggests, it stays relevant for an extended period of time, but relevancy isn’t the ultimate goal. What is relevancy without the subsequent conveyance of tangible or monetary value?

In other words, you shouldn’t invest in evergreen content for the sake of developing content that lasts. You should create evergreen content for the purpose of building brand equity and driving value. In today’s digital marketing landscape, evergreen content does many different things.

1. Lead Generation

When your target market consumes quality content that’s relevant to their individual pain points, they’re more likely to become comfortable with your brand and do business with you in the future. It’s this lead generation aspect of evergreen content that is most valuable to businesses.

While content of all formats can generate leads, the true value of evergreen content is that it generates leads for a long period of time. Theoretically, something you post today could still generate a lead in five years. This offers the potential for huge returns and more than justifies the upfront cost of creating and publishing quality evergreen content.

2. Authority and Thought Leadership

The quickest way to establish thought leadership in your niche is to invest in quality content that delivers substance and positions your brand as knowledgeable and progressive. Evergreen content accomplishes this very task in a natural, cohesive manner.

When you think about brands that are considered thought leaders in your industry, what types of content do they publish? While they probably invest some time and energy into timely, date-oriented pieces, it’s more likely that they produce timeless content that’s used and shared for long periods of time. This isn’t a coincidence. Evergreen content directly feeds the growth of thought leadership and brand authority.

3. Search Engine Optimization

Evergreen content is an excellent tool for growing SEO prominence and moving up the search rankings. The more sustainable content you develop, the higher your authority becomes. Search engine algorithms reward brands that attach their names to in-depth, timeless content.

“The biggest challenge small business owners face these days is creating quality content that is highly rated by both humans and machines,” writes Julia McCoy of Search Engine Journal. Evergreen content – and Google’s in-depth article feature – allow users to research certain topics and get more detailed information. Understanding this, business owners can publish evergreen content and then optimize their websites to finally appease both human readers and search engines.

4. Social Sharing

Finally, evergreen content drives shares. This is a huge benefit of creating evergreen material in the social age and will continue to grow in significance in the coming years. When readers see content they like, and find valuable, they’re more apt to share it on social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And while news stories come and go with each news cycle, evergreen content can be shared for months and years to come.

Develop Content That Lasts…

As you can clearly see, evergreen content is a valuable tool for brands and organizations across many different industries. Regardless of the type of business you’re in and what your competition is doing, you can benefit from the creation and distribution of sustainable evergreen content that touts your brand as authoritative and high quality.

While thousands of businesses are already investing in evergreen content, 2016 will be the year that it explodes. As a forward-thinking business owner or marketer, now is the time to get involved. By making an investment today, you’ll reap rewards for years to come.

Source of the article: com/
