By:Mabdullahkhan In:Social Media & Marketing
Are you a social media addict, you think it’s the best you can do, have a wish to start career in this profession. Not to worry then! It’s not that difficult, how those so-called marketing GURUS could make you feel. If you can write well and think well then you can join the RACE.
This guide is short but fruitful if you follow it accordingly.
These are the 5 simple steps including questions to get you hired and start career in social media.
1) Are you super active on Social media?
It’s important to be an active user on all the popular social media platforms, it creates the awareness of your name prominently b/w different group of people. Being a super active user means daily interaction and keeping people involved in something interesting.
People take more interest in those users who update their social networks more often than those who login to their accounts once in a week.
Step 1 – Become Active on Social media:
- Interact with your friends and followers on a regular basis
- Always post the content of their interest
- Create and insert information on all the popular social web properties even if you don’t use them, there are tools to update them without signing in. there are many reasons to do it which you will learn by time.
2) How many people are following you?
Another crucial point in starting your career in social media business is your overall following. How many friends do you have, how many people are following you on different social networks, pages, groups, lists, directories etc does matter.
Your numbers of followers is a great way to demonstrate your power to targeted company or employer, that how you could be very beneficial for them by reaching mass audience easily and accomplishing their goals.
Step 2 – Increase your number of followers
- Increase your friends and followers on different social networks
- Make use of social properties like groups, lists, fan pages etc
3) Are you a trend setter or part of a trend?
There are two types of people on social networks. First category is for those who follows or join others conversation and trends. Lies in the second category are those who set trends and start conversations.
You got to be a trend setter to mark your name in a social media industry.
Step 3 – Break News and be a trend setter
- Be the first one to post and something and make it viral, something like breaking news, interesting videos, images etc
- Post something arguable or debatable which can pull in lot of people to speak.
- Ask questions about peoples interests or concerns.
4) Do you have your personal brand?
Personal branding on social media mainly includes your profile pictures, your Bio, your style of communication and your professionalism.
Like people create an individual’s image about their nature, life style and income in their minds, in online world it’s all same like it does in our real world or offline life. Your pictures, your words, your BIO, the stuff you post, the way you talk to them will create specific image about you in their minds; now it’s up to you how do you want to make them feel about yourself.
Step 4 – Create Personal Brand
- Select one profile picture for all your networks, and avoid changing them very often eespecially with micro blogging networks like twitter. People assess you by your profile picture then your name.
- Create and save BIO on your hard drive, and use it on all your social networks.
- Apply the style of communication your followers are satisfied with. For Example: if your targeted readers are happy with slang, casual or misspelled type of communication then you should do it else avoid this at any cost.
5) Do you Blog about social media?
If not then start doing it now, NO! Don’t run to buy yourself new domain, hosting, design, dev. And stuff, you are good to go with even free hosted blog like WordPress ( Al though if you think you can easily get domain, hosting, design, dev then you should go for as it is much better for many reasons.
Writing a good blog will increase your readership and your value; this will also increase your importance than ever.
Step 5 – Start your Blog
- Start your blog using free third party service like or self-hosted blog.
- Start writing about your interests and use social media to drive traffic.
- You can add snippets and source URL from other blogs to get more traffic.
- The only guide to start a new blog.
There is a lot more to learn, we will cover more topics in the future. Your comments are precious, feel to express your thoughts.
This is a guest post by Abdullah khan. If you would like to write for ShoutMeLoud, check our Guest posting guidelines.
Source: www.shoutmeloud. com